Joe Bradley
Director of Engineering Education & Entrepreneurship
Carle Illinois College of Medicine
Carle Illinois College of Medicine
Director of Engineering Education and Entrepreneurship
Carle Illinois College of Medicine
Carle Illinois College of Medicine
Teaching Assistant Professor
Biomedical and Translational Sciences
Biomedical and Translational Sciences
2242 Everitt Laboratory
- PhD Systems Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana
- MBA, Gies College of Business, University of Illinois, Urbana
- M.S Mechanical Engineering (minor Electrical Engineering), Iowa State University, Ames
- B.S.E Aerospace Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Academic Positions
- Teaching Assistant Professor, Carle Illinois College of Medicine, 2021 - Present
- Entrepreneurial Mindset Fellow, Academy for Excellence in Engineering Education (AE3), 2022 - Present
- Clinical Assistant Professor, Technology Entrepreneur Center, 2021 - Present
- Health Innovation Professor, Carle-Illinois College of Medicine, 2021-Present
- Research Affiliate, Vanderbilt University, EDEFI Laboratory, 2019 - Present
- Lecturer, University of Illinois, Grainger College of Engineering, 2014 - 2019
- Lecturer, University of Illinois, Gies College of Business, 2011 - Present
Research Interests
- (STEM) Entrepreneurial Management
- Innovation Management
- Technology Transfer Strategy
- Socio-technical Systems Design
- Complex Engineered Systems Design and Functions
- Engineering Education
Chapters in Books
Selected Articles in Journals
- Yassine, A., Bradley, J., (2013). “A Knowledge-Driven, Network-Based Computational Framework for Product Development Systems”. Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, March 2013, Vol. 13, pp. 1 – 15
- Collins, S., Bradley, J., Yassine, A., (2010). “Analyzing Product Development Task Networks to Examine Organizational Change”. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol. 57, No.3, 2010, pp. 513-525
- Yassine, A., Sidhu, I., Bradley, J. (2010). “Sustaining and Disruptive Categorization of University-Licensed Technologies: The Impact on Licensee and University Technology Revenue Stream”. The International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation, Vol.3, No. 3, pp. 217-237
Articles in Conference Proceedings
- Jahnke, K., Bradley, J. (2024). “Exploring Opportunities for Innovative Professional Impact: Implementation of Multidisciplinary Course”. ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition – Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session (2024).
- Warrner, J., Bradley, J., Hargrove-Leak, S., Bharath, A. (2024). “Development and Implementation of K-12 STEM Outreach Programs in Industry and Academia: Successes, Challenges, and Lessons Learned”. ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition – Engineering with and for Community Partners (2024).
- Bethke, E., Ansari, A., Bradley, J., Amos, J., Golecki, H. (2024). “An Adaptive Scaffolding Approach Based on Team Dynamics in an Integrated Master and Undergraduate Bioengineering Capstone Design Course”. ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition – ELOS Technical Session – Design, Participation, and Projects (2024).
- Bethke, E., Ansari, A., Amos, J., Bradley, J., Ochia, R., Golecki, H. (2024). “Bridging Extracurricular Skill Needs in Bioengineering Capstone Design with Just-in-Time Workshops”. ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition – Biomedical Engineering Division (2024).
- Golecki, H., Bradley, J., Amos, J. (2023). Designing Capstone Experience for Interdisciplinarity in Biomedical Engineering Education. ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, June 2023.
- Radhakrishnan, C., Schmitz, C., Reck, R., Bradley, J., (2023). Changes to a Circuits Lab Sequence to Encourage Reflection and Integration of Experiences Across Related Courses to Explore New Solution Spaces to an Engineering Problem. ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, June 2023.
- Bradley, J., (2022). Exploratory Study of the Perceptions of Biasness, Inclusivity, and Team Dynamics in Entrepreneurship Education Training. 2022 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition-EMD Technical Session 2: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
- Bradley, J., (2020). The Impact of University Technology Transfer Offices on the Pipeline to Inclusive Innovation, Academy of Management Conference 2020.
- Johnson, B., Goldstein, M., Bradley, J., (2020). "Identifying Effective Student Leaders to Improve Capstone Design Team Assignments," 2020 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, June 21 - 24, 2020
- Bradley, J., Hyman, K., (2017). Grand Challenges in Engineering: What Can They Teach Us about Business and Professional Ethics and the Common Good? 24th Annual International Business Ethics Conference, Chicago, IL, October 26 – 28, 2017
- Bradley, J., Aldunate, R., (2010). “Complex Networks and Complex Systems: A Nature-based Framework for Sustainable Product Design,” 12th International Conferences on Enterprise Information Systems, Madeira, Portugal, June 8th-12th
- Collins, S, Bradley, J., Yassine, A., (2008). “Measuring Organizational Response to Stress: A Longitudinal Study of Product Development Tasks Networks,” 18th Annual International Symposium of INCOSE, 6th Biennial European Systems Engineering Conference, 2008
- Bradley, J., Yassine, A., (2008). "Multi-Domain Framework for Product Development,” ASME Design Theory and Methodology Conference, New York, NY. Aug. 3-6, 2008
- Bradley, J., Yassine, A., (2006). "On the use Of Social Networks for the Analysis of Product Development,” ASME Design Theory and Methodology Conference, Philadelphia, Penn. Sept. 10-13, 2006
- Millar, L., Bradley, J. (2006). “Commercialization Analyst Interns: A Programmatic Approach to Screening New Technology,” LES/AUTM 2006 Spring Meeting
- Mallela, J., Bradley, J., (2016). Alternate Business Models for AASHTOWare Development. AASHTOWare Meetings, November 2016
- Bradley, J., Wyatt, T., Chesnik, K., Mallela, J. (2015). “Intellectual Property Management Guide for State Departments of Transportation”. The National Academy of Sciences, Transportation Research Board Report
Conferences Organized or Chaired
- 2024 5th Biomedical Engineering Education Summit (Co-Chair - Integration of Entrepreneurship and Commercialization Training in Graduate BME Curricula)
- 2021 Illinois-Indiana Regional Conference (Chair - Entrepreneurship and Partnerships with Industry)
Other Scholarly Activities
- The Wellness Store - Intervention for Mental Health Wellness
- NOBEL Project - Carle Illinois College of Medicine
- Professional Development Workshop Panelist - "In Search of Inclusive Innovation: Emerging Research and Intervention" (2020) Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada
- Panel Symposium - " Inclusive Innovation in Technology Entrepreneurship." (2020) Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada
- Comprehensive License Information to Minimize Barriers (CLIMB) Task Force - State of Illinois
Professional Societies
- Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES)
- American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)
- Academy of Management (AOM)
Service on College Committees
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Advisory Committee
Teaching Honors
- Teacher Ranked as Excellent (2020)
Recent Courses Taught
- BADM 551 - Managing Intellectual Property
- BIOE 570 - Seminar Series
- BIOE 573 - Managing Business Operations
- BIOE 574 - Inno/Financial Decision Making
- BIOE 575 - Capstone Project
- ENG 177 GC (ENG 198 GC) - Grand Challenges
- ENG 177 GP1 (ENG 177 SP1) - GFX-POETS Project Scholars
- ENG 177 POE - Mobility Innovation
- ENG 177 PP1 - Introduction to Engineering I
- ENG 177 PR - Projects
- ENG 177 PR1 - GFX Projects 1
- ENG 177 PR1 (ENG 198 PR1) - IEFX Projects 1
- ENG 177 PR2 - GFX Projects 2
- ENG 177 PR2 (ENG 198 PR2) - IEFX Projects 2
- ENG 177 SP2 - GFX Projects Scholars
- ENG 177 TDO - GFX-POETS Scholars: Toy Design
- ENG 177 TDO - Projects Scholars-Toy Design
- ENG 177 WP2 - WIE-IEFX Scholars Projects
- ENG 177 WP3 - WIE-IEFX Mobility Innovations
- ENG 198 PJ1 (ENG 198 PRJ) - IEFX Projects
- ENG 198 POE - Personal Mobility Innovations
- MBA 590 (BADM 590) - Value Chain Mngmt Capstone
- TE 498 PI - Pathways to Impact