LCME Accreditation

The Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) accredits programs leading to the MD degree in the United States and Canada. The LCME’s scope is limited to complete and independent medical education programs whose students are geographically located in the United States or Canada for their education and that are operated by universities or medical schools chartered in the United States or Canada.

Carle Illinois was granted LCME provisional accreditation in 2021.  Carle Illinois College of Medicine was granted continued provisional accreditation status in 2023.  CI MED’s next survey date will be 2024-2025.

For questions relating to Carle Illinois College of Medicine's status or our accreditation efforts, please reach out to the Office of Accreditation and Educational Assessment at For more information or inquiries about the LCME, please visit the LCME website here or email

You Said...

We Did!

"Give us deeper learning in Phase 1 instruction in Anatomy, Immunology, Pathology, and Behavioral Science."

  • Added 4 new electives (Advanced Anatomy, Advanced Anatomy for Teaching, Exploring Anatomy through the Virtual Lens; Pathophysiology, Pathology Literature Review, Addiction Medicine)

  • Realigned Infection and Immunity course content with other courses

  • Added new integrated sessions in Foundational Sciences courses in Foundations (Immunology and Physiology integrated session), CV (physiology & pharmacology multidisciplinary session, cardiac cycle, normal pressure volume loops & antihypertensives AND integrated learning session on hemostasis/Thrombosis/antiplatelets); and Renal (pathophysiology of cystic fibrosis)

  • Added new threads incorporating behavioral sciences content

  • Added patient panels to CV and Renal courses

  • Added new electives: Social Medicine and the Normative Body (2022); Interreligious perspectives on health & medicine (2022); Climate Change, Planetary Health and Sustainability (2022); Health Systems Leadership (2022); Healthcare Process Management (2022); Advanced Clinical & Professional Identity (2022); Introduction to Research (2023); Network Science for Health and Social Care (2024); Applied Bioinformatics (2024); Intro to Health System Science (2024)

  • Added formative assessments to each anatomy week

  • Added section to website featuring faculty projects available for student participation

  • Assessments changed to include end of course exams and mid-term exams (for courses longer than 6 weeks). This provides the opportunity to have more frequent, lower-stakes assessments to aid in long-term learning. 

"Give us better, more accessible learning resources and guides."

  • Anatomy: Created online dissection guides with images

  • Created "Online Pharmacology Concept Map" for all courses "PRORENATA" a web-faced interface for integration and alignment of pharmacological concepts to enhance a problem-based learning preclinical curriculum. Created by a group of students and faculty

"Provide advanced-level instruction in biochemistry, microbiology, and pharmacology."

  • Added PhD in Biochemistry as Foundations Course lead course director

  • Added PhD in Microbiology and two PhDs in pharmacology to faculty

  • Added new electives: Microbiomes Matter: The Path to Regenerative Systems of Farm, Food and Health in the Age of Climate Change (2023)

  • Created "Online Pharmacology Concept Map" for all courses "PRORENATA" a web-faced interface for integration and alignment of pharmacological concepts to enhance a problem-based learning preclinical curriculum. Created by a group of students and faculty

  • Offered a series of Epidemiology sessions to the Foundations course

"We need improved immunology instruction."

  • Modified Immunology session objectives across Phase 1 to facilitate building of educational knowledge

"We need expanded instruction in the Musculoskeletal & Integumentary course."

  • Allocated a week of course content for skin conditions & physiology

  • Readiness Assurance Tests (RAT) have been created to be completed by the students prior to the start of each week. This has been done in order to motivate students to study appropriate foundational mski material.

  • Included more interactive learning experiences: orthopedic mini cases, biological drugs, steroids/anti-inflammatories,  skin min cases, connective tissue mini cases

"We need improvements in our Clinical Skills learning."

  • Aligned clinical skill educational activities with other courses

  • Created Standardized educational slide deck for all Physical Diagnosis Facilitators

  • Standardized physical exam checklist for each organ system

  • Improved guidance in content covered on OSCEs

  • Formative assessments added to the end of every course

  • Added new electives: Intro to ambulatory cardiology (2022); Gastroenterology (2022); Outpatient psychiatry (2022); Consult & Liaison psychiatry (2022); Outpatient, Consult & Liaison Psychiatry (2022); Pediatric Pulmonology (2022); Pediatric Cardiology (2022); Intro to Opthamology (2023); ACLS Simulation & Clinical Immersion (2023); Inpatient Psychiatry (2023)

  • Added sub-internships in Family Medicine, Inpatient Psychiatry, Urology

"We need clinical faculty to improve ability to give feedback."

  • With student involvement, created and launched a series of required learning modules to enhance ways to provide more effective and higher-quality verbal & written feedback

  • Provided workshops in providing effective feedback for faculty (through OFAD)

"Include more simulation in the curriculum."

  • Added simulation workshops into CV, Respiratory, and Renal

"We would like improvement in quality of Medical Student Performance Evaluation comments on student evaluations."

  • Implemented a required learning module for all clinical faculty to enhance understanding of MSPE letter purpose, and how to most appropriately highlight a student's strength in the student evaluation form

"We want Student Affairs to be more accessible."

  • Student Affairs established weekly office hours, created a "Phase 2 check-in," added scheduling links to all Student Affairs email communications, and began weekly on-site staffing at Carle Forum

"We need more guidance on electives."

  • Redesigned the "Specialty Profiles" on the Intranet. Student can now learn more about each specialty, see a list of recommended electives courses for each specialty, and identify a specialist at Carle Health who can provide more direction

"The recent staffing changes make it difficult to build lasting personal relationships with the staff."

  • Hired Associate Dean for Student Affairs

  • Added Associate Director of Specialty Advising, a clinical lead for career advising, and ADSA support staff

  • Hired additional staff such as Medical Education Specialist, to be present at all instructional activities. This will allow there to be at least one staff member available for students to engage with

"Increase opportunities for students to provide feedback."

  • Added student representation to end-of-course debrief sessions

"Offer increased diversity of learning modalities."

  • Added new interdisciplinary active learning sessions to CV; Added simulations to CV, Respiratory & Renal; Added Community Health Experience module; Added escape rooms in CV, Respiratory & Renal; Added patient panel in Renal 

  • Added clinical and non-clinical service learning electives (2023)

  • Integrated 3 Interprofessional Experiences (IPE) throughout the Foundational Sciences curriculum. Sent surveys out to students to get their satisfaction from the activities and to gauge how they feel they are currently working with different professions

  • Created a Longitudinal Integrated Community Health Experience (CHE)  learning module that encompasses the first 6 month of course work. The purpose of this is to engage students in the understanding of their local community. In hopes that it will lead to empathy for the patients in that community and ultimately drive innovation and empowerment for that community

"Enrich facilitatory notes to bridge knowledge gaps."

  • Added more content and core concepts covered in the Cardiovascular and Respiratory courses to the facilitator notes

"Move discussions of anatomy ethics concepts earlier in the program."

  • Expanded the anatomy ethics discussion during the Foundations course

  • Added session on Bioethical considerations in Cardiac Disease to CV