
Carle Illinois College of Medicine leadership is committed to ensuring a safe, supportive, and effective learning environment for students, residents, fellows, faculty and staff. All members of Carle Illinois community will uphold an academic environment that is conducive to learning through a commitment to professionalism, respect, appreciation of diversity, and integrity. 

What Constitutes Mistreatment?

Mistreatment of students, faculty, staff, residents or any member of the Carle Illinois community is disruptive to the learning environment and as such is not tolerated.  Mistreatment includes but is not restricted to: 

  • Discrimination against students, faculty, staff or residents, on any basis, including legally protected classes and the use of microaggressions
  • Harassment against students, faculty, staff, or residents, including physical or verbal abuse, sexual harassment, threats, or public humiliation
  • Exclusion of students from educational activities for non-educational reasons, including not involving students in patient care
  • Requests of personal services from students
  • Failure to disclose a conflict of interest while acting as a supervisor or assessor
  • Retaliation for making an allegation of mistreatment or professionalism

Report Options

The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign prohibits sex discrimination in any education program or activity that it operates. Individuals may report concerns or questions to the Title IX Coordinator. The Title IX notice of nondiscrimination is located at go.uillinois.edu/StatementonSexDiscrimination. More information for reporting can be found at http://wecare.illinois.edu/report.

Students, faculty, staff, residents, or any member of the Carle Illinois community may report other forms of mistreatment through the following options:

Online Form

Anonymous or identifiable (at the bottom of the College web page)

End of Course Evaluation

Provided at the end of each course

QR Code Posters

In the Learning Resource Center and Carle Forum

Direct Report

To Student Affairs or Academic Affairs

Academic Skills Specialist






A Detailed Path to Reporting: 

Download the Reporting Path here.

Report an Issue

Mistreatment Form