Global Consortium - Membership - Institutional Membership

Institutional Membership Categories

Full Membership

Full member institutions may:

  • Sponsor student teams to compete in the Global Heath Grand Innovation Challenge Competition
  • Vote in the Annual Business Meeting of the Consortium at the Global Summit
  • Five (5) complimentary registrations for the Annual Global Summit  included with the Annual  Membership Fee 
  • Marketing and branding recognition for your institution on the official consortium website with links to your websites and communications from the consortium including social media and press releases.

Faculty and students from full-member institutions also have the following benefits:

  • May serve on consortium committees
  • Hold leadership positions on committees and run for officer positions on the Executive Council
  • Access to the Global Consortium De-Identified Data Warehouse being developed for clinical research, educational models and data, validation trials from the grand challenge competition, and research networks across the consortium
  • Access to student and faculty mobility/exchange opportunities across consortium member institutions
  • Access to member-only tools and resources to help with curricular development, examples of new and diverse educational models for integrating engineering and innovation into the curriculum, and new online certificate programs developed through the consortium
  • Networking with Corporate, Government Agency, and Foundation members of the consortium
  • Discounted Registration at the Global Summit meeting beyond the complimentary registrations included with the membership fee
  • Faculty and student networking sessions and webinars through the consortium as well as at the Global Summit meeting


Affiliate Membership

Affiliate member institutions get:

  • Two (2) complimentary registrations for the Annual Global Summit  included with their Annual Membership Fee 

  • Listing on the official consortium website with links to your websites and listing at the official Global Summit

  • Cannot sponsor student teams to compete in the Global Heath Grand Innovation Challenge Competition or vote in the Annual Business Meeting

Faculty and students from affiliate member institutions also have the following benefits:

  • May serve on consortium committees
  • Networking with Corporate, Government Agency, and Foundation members of the consortium
  • Discounted registration at the Global Summit meeting beyond the complimentary registrations included with the membership fee
  • Faculty and student networking sessions and webinars through the consortium as well as at the Global Summit meeting
  • May not hold leadership positions on committees and run for officer positions on the Executive Council
  • Do not have access to the Global Consortium De-Identified Data Warehouse
  • Will not have access to the student and faculty mobility/exchange programs across consortium full-member institutions