Financial Aid Guidelines


Students receiving financial aid from the Carle Illinois College of Medicine (Carle Illinois), including loans, scholarships and/or grants, are expected to make reasonable academic progress toward completion of the MD degree as a condition to receive (Carle Illinois) financial aid.
Medical students are responsible for maintaining eligibility for financial aid. Medical students, as professional students, have different financial aid rules than undergraduate students. Students are encouraged to contact the Office of Student Affairs to discuss their questions or concerns about their Carle Illinois financial aid. The Office of Financial Aid (OSFA) can answer any questions related to federal, state, or institutional aid.


Requirements Carle Illinois requires three measurements to determine Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) for continued eligibility of Carle Illinois financial aid. These include qualitative, quantitative, and timeframe:

  • Qualitative: Carle Illinois follows our established grading and remediation policies for all medical students, regardless of financial aid status. See Grading and Remediation Guideline Policies.
  • Quantitative: Students must have academic standing consistent with the Carle Illinois promotion and graduation requirements to maintain continued eligibility for financial aid. See Promotion and Grading Policy. Students must achieve the minimum grade of
    Satisfactory (S), which indicates satisfactory completion of all requirements in each course or rotation.
  • Timeframe: The maximum timeframe a medical student has to complete the MD degree is six consecutive years.

This may be in addition to any requirements that must be met per the Student Academic Progress Policy with the Office of Financial Aid.


Satisfactory academic progress will be monitored at the end of each academic year of the medical school curriculum, and upon completion of each course/clerkship. Review of a student’s status will be in collaboration with the Carle Illinois Office of Student Affairs after the Carle Illinois Student Progress and Promotions Committee (SPPC) has reviewed the academic progress of all students. The Director of Student Affairs will meet with each student who is determined to have not met these requirements.

A student who does not maintain their academic progress as determined by the Carle Illinois SPPC will receive a written notice from the committee outlining the remediation requirements, and methods for successful completion of remediation and possible consequences of committee action, which could result in probation, suspension or dismissal from the program.

Students who fail to meet the required financial aid satisfactory academic progress will be ineligible for continued financial aid funding, beginning with term immediately following their notification a warning status. The Office of Student Affairs will notify the student in writing of their aid suspension status and the appeal process for possible reinstatement.

The Carle Illinois Office of Student Affairs is responsible for monitoring student academic progress for medical students.

Repeating Coursework or an Entire Year

Students may receive financial aid funding for the repeat of a failing grade or withdrawal of any class or classes. Repeating the same course may only be funded one additional time. Every attempt of a repeated course counts as an attempt towards completion but it only counts once as completed. Funding will be provided only once for the repeat of the same academic year.

Leaves of Absence

Students who are approved for a leave of absence will not be eligible to receive financial aid during the dates of leave. The Carle Illinois Office of Student Affairs will be responsible for notification and tracking student status during approved leaves of absence.

Right to Appeal

Students determined by the Carle Illinois SPPC who do not meet satisfactory academic progress requirements may request a review and appeal of their financial aid status by following the school’s policy for review by the appropriate committees as outlined in the Student Handbook. Students who successfully appeal will regain eligibility for financial aid. Refer to the Office of Student Financial Aid’s appeal process.